Virtual Consultation

This is the prerequisite for our private sessions. This is a chance for me to get to know you, your dog and your goals prior to our session. We will go over your in take form and you can ask any questions or resolve any doubts.

In this consultation we will go over your intake form and devise a personalized training program for your dog based on their needs and the behavior goals you would like to achieve. Each client will be introduced to our integrated training philosophy, beliefs and modalities that have created Wolf Moon Dog Training.

Required for: Anyone who has signed up for their first private class.

Price: Free with the purchase of a your first private class.

Prerequisites: None.

Frequency: Once

Location: Virtual Video Meet or Phone Call

Class Duration: 30 minutes

Class Size: 1 dogs

To schedule your virtual consultation, book a private class:

After booking, check the confirmation page or confirmation email for instructions on how to schedule the consultation. A free virtual consultation is required prior to the start of your class.