The Wolf Moon Philosophy

In the Wolf Moon Philosophy, preventative and proactive training is key to helping dogs live a safe and joyful life.

The Wolf represents fierceness, pack mentality, and strength. They might be our little fur babies, however their genetic structure involves subtle behaviors of their beloved wolf, fox, coyote and jackal predatory ancestors. While most dogs are exclusively for the purpose of companionship, many have the energy, mind and spirit of a working animal wanting to herd, guard, track, hunt, assist, entertain or purely show off their athleticism. Through evolution and artificial selection by humans, millions of beautiful canines now live in our homes, share our meals, routines and even couch spaces. We use science-based methods and modalities used to better understand the physiology, psychology, and most up to date research about your canine.

The Moon aspect of the training incorporates mindful movement, energy, self-awareness, emotions, intuition and your dog's very own Spirit. No dog is the same and every one needs specific training curated for them. Wolf Moon Dog Training combines these two aspects for a clear and balanced program that sets you and your dog up for success.

Our philosophy follows the LIMA approach with an emphasis in exercise and environmental enrichment, maximizing the dogs choice, comfort and respect. We believe in the effectiveness of reward training using foods, toys, movement, freedom, play and structured affection to reinforce their desirable traits while building a strong bond. The training program is rooted in the expansive scientifically documented benefits of positive reinforcement, behavior modification, up-to-date equipment, desensitization, and proper socialization, while also using aversive tools (prong or e-collar) for specific operant behaviors if needed (with the owners consent).

Research is finding the human-dog relationship is functionally analogous to the human-infant bond which highly attunes the dogs to the owners emotional, behavioral, and communicative cues. “Inappropriate bonding, coupled with a lack of obedience and exercise can lead to the development of psychological problems like separation anxiety, reactivity, aggression, and destructive behavior,” which we see an abundance of today. Today's society is ridden with physical and mental health issues due to our demanding lifestyles and patterns which have been showing a large impact on the behavioral climate of today's dogs. This training is not only created to train your dog, but to strengthen your relationship with yourself and the outdoors. You’ll find that the outdoor regular activities your dog so desperately needed, you actually did too!

  • According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 70% of all households in the U.S. (90.5 million) own a pet as of 2022. Almost 48.5 million own dogs which averages to 1.6 dogs in every household. There are more dogs and people on this planet than ever before which means there are much more dog professionals needed than ever before.

    It is my mission to, one by one, create a collective of trained dogs and dog owners so that people and dogs can safely associate and bond as a community.

    This is why group classes and lifetime classes are essential my training: providing guidance in public areas, real world situations with other people and dogs.

  • Research is finding the human-dog relationship is functionally analogous to the human-infant bond which highly attunes the dogs to the owners emotional, behavioral, and communicative cues. “Inappropriate bonding, coupled with a lack of obedience and exercise can lead to the development of psychological problems like separation anxiety, reactivity, aggression, and destructive behavior,” which we see an abundance of today. Today's society is ridden with physical and mental health issues due to our demanding lifestyles and patterns which have been showing a large impact on the behavioral climate of today's dogs. This training is not only created to train your dog, but to strengthen your relationship with yourself and the outdoors. You’ll find that the outdoor regular activities your dog so desperately needed, you actually did too!

  • The philosophy follows the LIMA approach with an emphasis in exercise and environmental enrichment, maximizing the dogs choice, comfort and respect. We believe in the effectiveness of reward training using foods, toys, movement, freedom, play and structured affection to positively reinforce their desirable traits while building a strong bond. The training program is rooted in the expansive scientifically documented benefits of positive reinforcement, behavior modification, up-to-date equipment, desensitization, and proper socialization, while also using aversive tools (prong or e-collar) for specific operant behaviors IF needed (with the owners consent).

  • 1-Per Jensen. The Ethology of Domestic Animals: An Introductory Text, 3rd Edition

    2-Bulmer B. The Complete Dog Owner's Manual: How to Raise a Happy, Healthy Dog. Can Vet J. 1998 Oct;39(10):659–60. PMCID: PMC1539455.


    4-Aloff, Brenda. Canine Body Language- A Photographic Guide Interpreting the Native Language of the Domestic Dog. September 2005

Why the wolf moon?

The wolf represents the wild side, the importance of protecting community (“the pack”) and fierce leadership.

The moon represents intuition, empathy, body regulation and awareness.

This is the balance we are striving to create in our trainings. Soft fierceness to curate confident and perceptive dog owners.