Michaela Pujals career began when she was studying French Language and Literature at Binghamton University. While studying she found out humans communicate 70% without language and that so much of our human interaction is processed through conscious and subconscious energy and body language.

Being a competitive swimmer her whole life she craved a strong mind, body connection and dove deeper into understanding and healing the spirit. She became obsessed with studying the philosophy of yoga, it’s teachings, metaphysics, breath work, meditation, asana; all with the intention of strengthening her connection to health. This work then brought her to her forever passion: dogs.

Before becoming a Professional Dog Trainer through Animal Behavior College, she knew the dogs destructive behavior came from them not being able to run miles through the woods like they should. She covered miles of trail running with working breeds that were pent up, driving their owners crazy and some even dangerous. This then evolved to obedience training, pack walks, skateboarding runs, and free management pack socialization sessions to further the dogs physical and mental enrichment.

It seems collectively we are so deeply connected to dogs but simultaneously extremely disconnected to their language. You’ll find that dog training improves your own energy, body language, cognitive function, self-awareness, and general lifestyle as a whole, as well as your dog. She has been teaching yoga for 7 years, working with dogs for 7 and shadowed some immaculate trainers at Maximum K9. 

I have found that dogs communicate best with body language, patterns, and intention. Most dogs’ issues come from our general misunderstanding of them, consequently creating a basic energy imbalance. Whether they are frustrated, nervous, submissive, or wild, the main issue is lack of movement, obedience and confidence. Dogs need to walk, run, explore, sniff, trust, and most importantly, be in nature. It balances their nervous system, allowing them to get to a calm, focused mind and ready to receive guidance. Dogs are social creatures, and so far no matter what trauma a dog has been through, I’ve seen walks, runs, free management socializations, behavior modifications and obedience training Heal Dogs. I also believe in Sacred Contracts. Your dog chose you and you chose them for a reason. Whether to challenge you or heal you, it’s all the same.
— Michaela Pujals

Welcome the wild in!