Dog Sit and Train

It might be hard to leave your fur baby for an extended amount of time, but dropping your dog off with me for few weeks can be a great opportunity for day in, day out consistent training. It allows me to install a solid foundation of obedience, proper socialization and loose leash walking.

After you dog completes their training with me, we include follow up private sessions to ensure what they have learned at Wolf Moon will smoothly transfer to you when you take back the reigns— whether that be in your home or in public.

Dog Sit and Train Packages

Classic Package


2 Week Residency


  • Your dog will be trained to obey the following commands:

    •How to lure • Place • Focus • Sit • Stay • Come • Down • Sit-Stay • Down-Stay • Drop-It • Recall

  • Your dog will be trained to obey the following commands in the house:

    • Jumping on owners & guests • Chewing • Barking • Digging • Bolting • Unruly behavior in the House • Housebreaking • Accepting strangers

  • We train your dog to able to walk on leash politely with working towards little tension and pulling.

  • It is important to do a one on one private lesson with me to review what your dog is learned so you can continue to integrate training in your home, on walks, and in public even after they are released from my care.

Adventure Package


2 Week Residency

Includes everything from Basic Package AND…

  • We will work towards your dog being able to walk off leash.

  • I will take you dog on longer hikes (~3-8miles) at least twice during their stay.

  • Adding distance, distraction, and duration to the cues learned from Obedience 1 (ensuring your dog can obey a command in different, real life situations).

  • Photo updates sent to you of your dog’s progress throughout their stay.

  • If appropriate for your dog, I will take them on on high intensity cardio skateboard runs.

    This is a great exercise to release pent up energy and frustration. It’s beneficial for their overall health and anxiety. Dogs want to run!

Total Wolfpack Package


3 Week Residency

Includes everything from Adventure Package AND...

  • Loose leash walks with a group of trained dogs. This build confidence, obedience and desensitization (less reactive). This is one of the most healing and healthy activities for dogs.

  • Off leash play time in a gated yard with other behaviorally healthy, trained dogs.

  • We will incorporate learned cues and basic training in different environments.

  • Fluency, generalization and habitation of cues, behaviors, and patterns learned from Obedience 1.

  • I will bring your dog out in public in a high stimulus, high distraction real life environment.

  • Item description
  • We will create a personalized 12 month calendar of your dog using a Sony 6200 professional camera.

Daily Rates

Can’t commit to multiple weeks? Going out of town for a few days?

If want your dog boarded, but also trained for just a few days we offer a daily rate of $125/day. During your dog’s stay we will teach your dog basic commands and cues from Obedience 1 and Obedience 2 for you to work on and practice at home.

Not Your Typical Dog Sitting & Training

An Intimate Experience

Wolf Moon Dog Sit and Train is not like other training facilities with hundreds of dogs, it will be a very personalized, intimate experience. There will never be more than 10 dogs at a given time during your dog’s stay which allows for lots of one on one attention, training and corrections from me personally.

The Wolf Moon Philosophy

Wolf Moon Dog Sit and Training will instill obedience fundamentals by adhering to a polished training curriculum. At Wolf Moon we also believe its important to acknowledge the inner wolf in our canines by taking a holistic approach that incorporates nature, socialization, and movement. Your dog will not only be learning obedience cues, but they also will be going on walks in nature, learning to properly socialize with other dogs and playing! They will not be stuck in a crate all day.

How It Works

1. Pick a package

Look through the various packages we offer below and find the one that is right for you.

2. Submit an inquiry to book

Please submit the form at the bottom of the page with the drop off date you are interested in so we can confirm availability.

3. Schedule a consultation

Once your dates have been confirmed, we will schedule an in person or virtual consultation to go over all your questions, concerns and goals for your dog’s dog sit and train experience.

4. Drop your dog with us

On the arrival date, you will drop off your dog at my private residence for 2-3 weeks. He/she will stay and train with me during this time. Please be sure to provide enough food, treats, and important toys for the duration of your dogs stay.

5. Schedule follow-up private sessions

After the 2-3 weeks are over, you will pick your dog up and I will demo what your dog has learned. We will schedule follow up private sessions where I can review with you the cues your dog has learned, how to correct problem behavior and other important lessons.

Request to Enroll

If you are interested in enrolling in our Dog Sit & Train program, please fill out the form below. We will respond in 24 hours to let you know availability.