Obedience 1.0 Syllabus

After having completed your consultation, we begin the 6 week program as outlined below.

Week 1:

  • Finding out the best leash, collar, harness, or other training aids best suitable for your dog

  • Go over Safety Rules & General Information

  • Go over Cues, Behaviors & Problem Solving topics that will be taught in this Group Class’ Program

  • Go over Training Techniques and Philosophies used by Wolf Moon Dog Training

  • Find out your dogs best suited conditioned reinforcers

  • Go over Luring

  • Explain the 4 stages of learning for dogs

  • Release and Focus Cues

  • Go over Reactivity 

Week 2:

  • Proper Greetings (accepting strangers)

  • Food lure into Heel Position and Focus

  • Introduce the Sit-Cue

  • Introduce the Running Come Game

  • Capturing and Luring Down

  • Working Place

  • Introduce loose leash walking

Week 3:

  • Sit Verbal Cue

  • Heel Verbal Cue, Movement and Auto-sit

  • Down Verbal Cue

  • Add the Auto-sit to Come Cue

  • Introduce the Stay Behavior

  • Practice Loose-leash walking

  • Working Place

  • Problem Solving Review

Week 4:

  • Review all learned cues

  • Add Collar Touch to Come Behavior

  • Changing Variables (Distance, Distraction, Duration) 

  • Explain Randomization

  • Add Duration to Stay

  • Add Distractions to known Behaviors

  • Long Lead Desensitization 

  • Working Place

  • Problem Solving Review

Week 5:

  • Proper greetings

  • Review all learned Cues

  • Focus, Release, Sit, Down, Place, Come, Stay, Loose-leashing walking with distance, distractions and duration

  • Heel with Auto-sit

  • Sit-Stay with 30 ft line

  • Down-stay with 30 ft line

  • Come with Auto-sit and Collar Touch

  • Polishing the difference between Heel and Lets Go

  • Problem Solving Review

Week 6:

  • Review all Learned Cues

  • Add more real Life Distractions

  • Add more Real-Life-Rewards

  • Safe Socialization ( proper meet-and-greets) 

  • Distance, Distraction and Duration with Come Cue

  • Group Greetings, obedience  and regrouping

  • Learn about overstimulation, unhealthy greeting behaviors

  • Problem Solving Review

  • Perform Cue Demonstrations

  • Diplomas

  • Sign up for next advanced class