Welcome in the wild.

Dog training programs for canine health and fortifying the bond between you and your dog.

Invest in your relationships.

Devoting time to strengthen the relationship with your dog has a nice side effect of strengthening the relationship with yourself.

In my training programs you will build deeper intuition, trust and confidence with both your dog and yourself.

Be part of the pack.

8 dogs sitting together in a field part of a dog pack

Become a Wolf Moon member, expand your community, and unlock access to lifetime classes and special events.

Being in a group setting is essential to your dogs proper socialization & behavioral regulation. Our group trainings to teach your canine how to be a respectful, well behaved pack member.

Learn to lead.

Become the confident leader your dog is seeking. As pack animals, your dog seeks to serve the herd leader. Watch anxieties and problem behaviors dissipate when you learn how to establish clear, direct communication through our training.

Unearth your inner wolf.

Connecting to your dog's ancestry and wild spirit is the best way to understand and provide for them.

This is why nature, socialization, movement and body language awareness are pillars of my training philosophy.


Movement with your dog is key to regulating their nervous system. My group training is specially designed to allow maximum movement and exercise in the beautiful open fields in Nissequogue River State Park.


Breath modulation is another way to reset the nervous system. By regulating our nervous system, your dog learns to regulate theirs.

Using my yoga background, I will teach you breath and body awareness to open communication lines with your dog.

Sign up for a class to get started